HWA Grievance Committee
Submitto HWA Grievance Committee

“Where members have a grievance over issues such as plagiarism, with a publisher over a contractual issue, or a similar matter; and that grievance has not been resolved after the member has made reasonable endeavors, the member may approach the HWA Grievance Committee. The Committee will consider the facts and endeavor to assist the Member in getting a satisfactory resolution.”  - HWA Member Handbook


 HWA Grievance Committee is established to provide an avenue within the organization where members may freely and openly inform the association of events that may negatively affect the organization or its members. The Chairman of the Grievance Committee must appoint volunteers to act as committee members.  The committee must have a minimum of 5 volunteers including the chairman, but never exceed 9 members, including chairman. 

 The committee DOES NOT:

  • Make decisions regarding the morality of members.
  • Take sides on any issue.
  • Play favorites. 



The purpose of the Grievance Committee is to help members resolve various complaints AFTER the member has utilized their own methods of resolution.  

The chairman will notify HWA leadership and Board of Directors of any negative trends found in grievances.

Steps of grievance committee upon receiving complaint:

  1. Ensure that complainant is a dues-paying member of the HWA.
  2. Ensure that complaint specifies type of grievance.
  3. Contact complainant within 72 hours.
  4. Contact defendant within 48 hours after receiving a completed grievance form from the complainant.
  5. 厦门快快网络棋牌游戏云解决方案 让安全问题无处遁形 ...:2021-8-16 · 近年来,随着棋牌游戏的风靡和流行,各大游戏公司竞相涉足棋牌游戏,随之而来的行业竞争愈演愈烈,棋牌游戏平台已成为网络攻击的新目标。面对机遇与挑战并存的行业大市场,网络棋牌游戏除了在游戏玩法上不断创新,还要重视棋牌游戏服务器的防御及搭建问题。



知识树 - mofcom.gov.cn:VPN SSL 互联网常识三 网络 万维网 互联网 广域网 局域网 城域网 内部网 虚拟专用网络 宽带城域网 宽带网 窄带网络 数据通信网 智能网 综合业务数字网络 ...

_2023 Publisher Offer MULTIPLE Works for Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submitto _2023 Publisher Offer MULTIPLE Works for Stoker Award Jury Consideration

IMPORTANT: Submitting only one work? This page is for lists of two or more submissions. To submit a single work, look for the applicable category on the following page and submit it there: http://0dzx5m.wcbzw.com/submit

We have two submission periods: 

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 == For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. 《和平精英》绿色度测评报告_游戏频道_中国青年网 - Youth.cn:2021-5-20 · 《和平精英》是一款3D射击类手机游戏。游戏中存在抽奖设置。该游戏被纳入了腾讯成长守护平台。如果家长能够很好地使用该平台,在时间和消费 ...

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.

You are offering multiple works that you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Jury. This does not guarantee that your works will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.     

极星vpnBram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules before submitting.

Please follow the following two guidelines carefully.

1. Submit a list of the works in Excel (.xls), Word Doc (.doc, .docx), or RTF format

   Include the following information for each work:          

  • 极星vpn
  • Title
  • Author
  • Author Email (or Publisher Email)
  • Word Count
  • 极星vpn
  • URL to web page about the work, if one exists

2. Submit a digital copy of each work in PDF or Word Doc format

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email stokerchair@horror.org.

_2023 Anthology - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submitto _2023 Anthology - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration

 We have two submission periods:  

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early. 

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Anthology Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.     

Before you offer your work or someone else's for consideration, please read the Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.

中国科技网首页:2021-6-15 · 中国科技网是伍科技新闻和信息传播为主业的综合性网络媒体。2021年,中央外宣办核准网站名称为“中国科技网”,并视同国家重点新闻网站进行管理,日均网页访问量达百万级别。

You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • 团伙利用僵尸手机刷APP下载量 骗取伋业巨额推广费 ...:2021-12-23 · 一家网络科技公司为了推广自己的APP,交50多万元让推广公司来推广,然而下载安装量与实际使用量严重不符。日前,北京海淀警方接到辖区这家网络科技公司“50余万元产品推广费被诈骗”的报案后,经过近一个月的缜密侦查,在重庆警方的大力配合下成功破案,抓获涉案人员30余人,起获“僵尸 ...
  • a digital copy of the work — if you upload only the digital copy of the work, please make sure it contains all the required information listed in the guidelines below.

Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  •  For hard copy submissions, please write 极星vpn to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work) 
  • Also, please submit an information sheet about the work below
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award

吴亦凡越洋打榜不成 数据反被清理_新闻频道_中国青年网:2021-11-9 · 吴亦凡《Antares》环球唱片发声明否认《Antares》下架传闻11月初,吴亦凡发行首张个人专辑《Antares》,全球近246个地区在内的各大音乐平台同步上线。  

  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • 破解特斯拉Model S是一种怎样的体验? - huanqiu.com:2021-8-22 · ② VPN配置:Model S的VPN 配置已经在出厂前由工程师妥善配置好,不会受到一些常见的扰乱系统设定的攻击 ... 科尼赛克和极星官宣建立合作伙伴关系 或将联手打造极星3 济川药业涉嫌虚假宣传 意大利为高中毕业考试准备520万个口罩 致癌物质减少 ...
  • Be sure to give us as much of the following information as possible:

            > Appropriate Award Category      
           > Publication date
           > Publisher
           > Word count
           > Author Name
           > Author Email
           > Author website address
           > Book website address
           > Title
           > Synopsis
           > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?
           > Is the work available for free online? Where?

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email stokerchair@horror.org.

_2023 Collection - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submitto _2023 Collection - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration

酒店有哪些旅客不知道的秘密?-千龙网·中国首都网:2021-11-11 · 还是要小心为上,先上网看看其他客人的评论再做决定,也切勿只穿着内衣裤就坐在客房的椅子和毛毯上。有的甚至用Lysol防霉消毒剂清洗,或是用刚刚擦完洗手间地面的毛巾来擦,细菌大量滋生。

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023.

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.    

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Fiction Collection Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.    

Before you offer your work or someone else's for consideration, please read the Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.

Please follow the guidelines carefully.


中国电信在工博会上打造智慧城市光网云生活_电信动态_新民网:2021-11-1 · 2021年上海国际工业博览会上,中国电信伍“云集智慧、光耀未来”为主题,展示“智慧城市”和光网云生活场景。50多项电信服务“智慧城市”的智慧信息应用,向参观者描述着未来“智慧城市”的璀璨生活美 …

  • an information sheet in PDF, Word Doc, or RTF format
  • a digital copy of the work — if you upload only the digital copy of the work, please make sure it contains all the required information listed in the guidelines below.


Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write stokerchair@horror.org to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • Also, please submit an information sheet about the work below
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award

中国青年网-娱乐频道:中国青年网娱乐频道立足青年人最喜爱的娱乐资讯视角,第一手娱乐新闻,辣评娱乐,爆料绯闻,影视资讯等。最热的娱乐动态随时看,袁弘张歆艺恋情 ...

  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • If you cannot upload your work, then upload a DOC, RTF, or PDF document about your work
  • Be sure to give us as much of the following information as possible:

           > Appropriate Award Category     
          > Publication date
          > Publisher
          > Word count
          > Author Name
          > Author Email
          > Author website address
          > Book website address
          > Title
          > Synopsis
          > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?
          > Is the work available for free online? Where?

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email stokerchair@horror.org.

_2023 First Novel - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
极星vpnto _2023 First Novel - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration

We have two submission periods:  

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023.

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.     

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award First Novel Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.    

Before you offer your work or someone else's for consideration, please read the  Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules .

越洋打榜不成 数据反被清理-千龙网·中国首都网:2021-11-9 · 粉丝伊还会刷spotify、Pandora、Tidal等流媒体伍及youtube视频平台。这些教程从如何使用VPN 到如何购买音乐的诀窍,应有尽有;粉丝群体也会分工,尽力 ...
Word count minimum: 40,000

SUBMITTING A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORK? You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • an information sheet in PDF, Word Doc, or RTF format
  • a digital copy of the work — if you upload only the digital copy of the work, please make sure it contains all the required information listed in the guidelines below.

《六尺巷》,说道理的方式很中国_评论频道__中国青年网 ...:2021-2-13 · 不管是在徽派文化中的传承,亦或是春晚舞台的登高而唱,都是礼让“走得更远”的一小步而已。礼让二字,不管是为民者慎独慎微,还是为官者心存敬畏,都是一种“走心”的中国式修身。修身为先,自然就是大度做人。 Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write stokerchair@horror.org to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • Also, please submit an information sheet about the work below
  • 破解特斯拉Model S是一种怎样的体验? - huanqiu.com:2021-8-22 · ② VPN配置:Model S的VPN 配置已经在出厂前由工程师妥善配置好,不会受到一些常见的扰乱系统设定的攻击 ... 科尼赛克和极星官宣建立合作伙伴关系 或将联手打造极星3 济川药业涉嫌虚假宣传 意大利为高中毕业考试准备520万个口罩 致癌物质减少 ...


  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • If you cannot upload your work, then upload a DOC, RTF, or PDF document about your work
  • 腾讯云深圳金融专区重磅上线 建立金融级两地三中心灾备架构:2021-11-18 · 近日,腾讯云深圳金融专区正式上线,结合此前发布的上海金融专区,腾讯云已经建立起金融行业高合规两地三中心灾备架构。作为符合金融监管合规要求的高规格独立金融级数据中心,腾讯云金融专区不仅能够满足“一行三会”金融监管要求,帮助银行、保险、证券、基金、互联网金融等金融机构 ...

            > Appropriate Award Category

            > Publication date

            > Publisher

天津市首批建成12个“社银一体化”服务网点 实现社保业务 ...:2021-7-3 · 央广网天津7月3日消息(记者贾立梁)近日,天津市社保中心启动了“社银一体化”合作项目,依托金融机构网点布局优势,与服务银行共同打造 ...

            > Author Name

            > Author Email

《六尺巷》,说道理的方式很中国_评论频道__中国青年网 ...:2021-2-13 · 不管是在徽派文化中的传承,亦或是春晚舞台的登高而唱,都是礼让“走得更远”的一小步而已。礼让二字,不管是为民者慎独慎微,还是为官者心存敬畏,都是一种“走心”的中国式修身。修身为先,自然就是大度做人。

            > Book website address

厦门快快网络棋牌游戏云解决方案 让安全问题无处遁形 ...:2021-8-16 · 近年来,随着棋牌游戏的风靡和流行,各大游戏公司竞相涉足棋牌游戏,随之而来的行业竞争愈演愈烈,棋牌游戏平台已成为网络攻击的新目标。面对机遇与挑战并存的行业大市场,网络棋牌游戏除了在游戏玩法上不断创新,还要重视棋牌游戏服务器的防御及搭建问题。

            > Synopsis

            > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?

            > Is the work available for free online? Where? 


极星vpnTake your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email stokerchair@horror.org.

_2023 Graphic Novel - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submit日本被指为儿童色情品国际枢纽 淫秽动漫未取缔 ...-中国青年网:2021-2-2 · 说起日本动漫,你想到的是什么?不错,那是经典之作,但还有一类被放置在“成人区”的日本动漫,主角是表情如小鹿般无辜天真、身材比例比 ...

We have two submission periods:  

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023.

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.    

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Graphic Novel Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.  

Before you offer your work or someone else's for consideration, please read the Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.

Please follow the guidelines carefully. 

SUBMITTING A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORK? You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • an information sheet in PDF, Word Doc, or RTF format
  • a digital copy of the work — if you upload only the digital copy of the work, please make sure it contains all the required information listed in the guidelines below.

SENDING A HARD COPY OF THE WORK? Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write stokerchair@horror.org to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • Also, please submit an information sheet about the work below
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award


  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • 《六尺巷》,说道理的方式很中国_评论频道__中国青年网 ...:2021-2-13 · 不管是在徽派文化中的传承,亦或是春晚舞台的登高而唱,都是礼让“走得更远”的一小步而已。礼让二字,不管是为民者慎独慎微,还是为官者心存敬畏,都是一种“走心”的中国式修身。修身为先,自然就是大度做人。
  • Be sure to give us as much of the following information as possible: 

            > Award category
           > Publication date
           > Publisher
           > Word count
           > Author name
           > Author email
           > Author and/or book website address
           > Title
           > Synopsis
           > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?
           > Is the work available for free online? Where?

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email 极星vpn.  

_2023 Long Fiction - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submitto _2023 Long Fiction - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration

We have two submission periods: 

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023.

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.    

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Long Fiction Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.      

知识树 - mofcom.gov.cn:VPN SSL 互联网常识三 网络 万维网 互联网 广域网 局域网 城域网 内部网 虚拟专用网络 宽带城域网 宽带网 窄带网络 数据通信网 智能网 综合业务数字网络 ... Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.

看了纽约时报这篇黑中国的文章,读者讽刺得非常形象 ...:2021-12-10 · 环球时事 巴西教育部长因在公共场合未佩戴口罩被罚款 吉尔吉斯斯坦总理宣布辞职 博尔顿新书即将出版,特朗普:完全不合适,我和他的谈话都是 ...
Word count limit: 7,500 - 39,999 (submit longer works in the Novel or First Novel categories)

SUBMITTING A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORK? You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • an information sheet in PDF, Word Doc, or RTF format
  • 【中信新三板】每周研究回顾(20210812-20210818)_荔枝 ...:2021-8-19 · 中信新三板团队每周工作总结 本周中信证券新三板研究团队工作总结如下: 1、共外发公司报告15篇:捷通华声投资价值分析报告(19页)、嘉元科技中报点评、芝兰玉树中报点评、奥维云网中报点评、高德信中报点评、清睿教育中报点评、盛航海运中报点评、杉杉能源中报点评、芳源环保中报点评 ...

SENDING A HARD COPY OF THE WORK? Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write 极星vpn to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • Also, please submit an information sheet about the work below
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award


  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • If you cannot upload your work, then upload a DOC, RTF, or PDF document about your work
  • Be sure to give us as much of the following information as possible:

吴亦凡越洋打榜不成 数据反被清理-娱乐 · 体育-中工网:2021-11-9 · 吴亦凡《Antares》 环球唱片发声明否认《Antares》下架传闻 11月初,吴亦凡发行首张个人专辑《Antares》,全球近246个地区在内的各大音乐平台同步上线。

            > Publication date

免费流量背后的黑色产业链 运营商每年损失上亿:2021-12-5 · “免费流量”背后实际是一条黑色的产业链。北京商报记者日前调查了解到,包括手机、软件、教程等“免费流量”产品已经遍布网络。不过,据 ...

            > Word count

            > Author Name

            > Author Email

美国思科路由器预置“后门”意欲何为 - huanqiu.com:2021-5-26 · 美国思科公司的信息产品在中国市场具有极高的占有率,其路由器产品几乎参与了中国所有基础信息网络和重要信息系统的重大项目建设。而一直 ...

            > Book website address

            > Title

            > Synopsis

            > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?

            > Is the work available for free online? Where?   

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email stokerchair@horror.org.   

_2023 Nonfiction - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submit《少年的你》突然定档,影院如何应对排片丨揭秘:2021-10-22 · 10月22日下午,曾国祥执导,周冬雨、易烊千玺主演的电影《少年的你》官微宣布:“电影《少年的你》将于10月25日公映,感谢大家的等待。”>>>《少年的你》重新定档10月25日,离上映仅三天 定档日期离上映仅3天时间,这么短的时间,对于影院的排片有何影响?

We have two submission periods: 

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023.

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.    

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Nonfiction Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.   

Before you offer your work or someone else's for consideration, please read the Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.

Please follow the guidelines carefully. 

SUBMITTING A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORK? You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • an information sheet in PDF, Word Doc, or RTF format
  • a digital copy of the work — if you upload only the digital copy of the work, please make sure it contains all the required information listed in the guidelines below.

SENDING A HARD COPY OF THE WORK? Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write stokerchair@horror.org to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • 美国思科路由器预置“后门”意欲何为_评论频道__中国青年网:2021-5-26 · 美国思科公司的信息产品在中国市场具有极高的占有率,其路由器产品几乎参与了中国所有基础信息网络和重要信息系统的重大项目建设。而一直伍来,包括路由器在内的思科信息产品存在严重安全漏洞的报告屡屡被披露。
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award


  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • If you cannot upload your work, then upload a DOC, RTF, or PDF document about your work
  • 环球社评:防火墙带给中国互联网哪些影响 - huanqiu.com:2021-1-28 · 原标题:社评:防火墙带给中国互联网哪些影响 近日由于部分外国VPN服务在中国受到屏蔽,防火墙的事情再次成为焦点。工信部官员昨天就VPN受屏蔽回答记者提问,强调中国发展互联网一定要按照本国法律法规来进行,一些不良信息应该按照中国法律加伍管理。

            > Appropriate Award Category

            > Publication date

            > Publisher

            > Word count

            > Author Name

            > Author Email

            > Author website address

            > Book website address

            > Title

            > Synopsis

            > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?

            > Is the work available for free online? Where?  

极星vpnTake your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email stokerchair@horror.org.   

_2023 Novel - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submitto _2023 Novel - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration

中国电信在工博会上打造智慧城市光网云生活_电信动态_新民网:2021-11-1 · 2021年上海国际工业博览会上,中国电信伍“云集智慧、光耀未来”为主题,展示“智慧城市”和光网云生活场景。50多项电信服务“智慧城市”的智慧信息应用,向参观者描述着未来“智慧城市”的璀璨生活美 …

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023.

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.    

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Novel Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.  

如何在“史上最严游戏新规”下愉快玩耍-中青在线 - cyol.com:2021-7-19 · 如何在“史上最严游戏新规”下愉快玩耍:《通知》要求,游戏出版服务单位按照《出版管理条例》《网络出版服务管理规定》等要求, 参照中国音像与数字出版协会制定的《移动游戏内容规范》,审核申请出版的移动游戏内容。 Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.

三下乡官网:2021年三下乡活动通知 中央宣传部 中央文明办 教育部 共青团中央 全国学联决定[详情] 2021年三下乡官网报备流程 报备系统开放时间为2021年6月12日[详情] 2021年三下乡官网投稿指南 三下乡官网将于6月12日面向全体团队开启投稿功能[详情]
极星vpn (submit shorter works in the appropriate other category)

SUBMITTING A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORK? You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • an information sheet in PDF, Word Doc, or RTF format
  • a digital copy of the work — if you upload only the digital copy of the work, please make sure it contains all the required information listed in the guidelines below.

SENDING A HARD COPY OF THE WORK? Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write 极星vpn to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • 中国青年网_青年温度、青春靓度、青网态度 - Youth.cn:中国青年网,1999年5月4日正式开通,共青团中央主办的中央重点新闻网站,是国内最大的青年主流网站。中国青年网竭诚服务青年的文化、心理、情感和创业需求,是共青团运用网络文化元素吸引青年的新载体和引导青年的新途径,为团组织通过新媒体融入青年提供有力支撑。
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award


  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • If you cannot upload your work, then upload a DOC, RTF, or PDF document about your work
  • Be sure to give us as much of the following information as possible:

            > Appropriate Award Category

            > Publication date

            > Publisher

            > Word count

            > Author Name 

            > Author Email

            > Author website address

            > Book website address

            > Title

            > Synopsis

            > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?

            > Is the work available for free online? Where?

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email 极星vpn.   

_2023 Poetry Collection - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submitto _2023 Poetry Collection - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration

We have two submission periods:  

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023.

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.    

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Poetry Collection Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.  

Before you offer your work or someone else's for consideration, please read the Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.

Please follow the guidelines carefully. 

SUBMITTING A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORK? You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • 贵州频道_国际在线 - CRI:国际在线贵州频道秉承“向世界报道贵州 让世界了解贵州”的工作理念,伍“新闻+创意+宣传+公益”为核心,多渠道、多方式、多语种扎扎实实传播贵州多民族文化,为贵州搭建国际性的媒体平台。
  • 国际频道_国际在线 - CRI:2021-6-15 · 国际在线国际新闻频道,24小时报道国际新闻时事,提供新闻热点解读、深度分析评论,让你看懂新闻!还有环球趣闻轶事、独家新闻图片等,让你在中国,看世界!

SENDING A HARD COPY OF THE WORK? Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write stokerchair@horror.org to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • Also, please submit an information sheet about the work below
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award


  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • If you cannot upload your work, then upload a DOC, RTF, or PDF document about your work
  • Be sure to give us as much of the following information as possible:

            > Appropriate Award Category

            > Publication date

            > Publisher

            > Word count

            > Author Name

            > Author Email

            > Author website address

            > Book website address

            > Title

            > Synopsis

            > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?

            > Is the work available for free online? Where?   

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email stokerchair@horror.org.   

_2023 Screenplay - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submitto _2023 Screenplay - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration

We have two submission periods: 

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. 国际频道_国际在线 - CRI:2021-6-15 · 国际在线国际新闻频道,24小时报道国际新闻时事,提供新闻热点解读、深度分析评论,让你看懂新闻!还有环球趣闻轶事、独家新闻图片等,让你在中国,看世界!

 We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.    

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Screenplay Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.    

If you don't have a copy of the script, but would like to recommend a TV show or movie please see the Recommended Reading List to recommend the work there.

天津市首批建成12个“社银一体化”服务网点 实现社保业务 ...:2021-7-3 · 央广网天津7月3日消息(记者贾立梁)近日,天津市社保中心启动了“社银一体化”合作项目,依托金融机构网点布局优势,与服务银行共同打造 ...Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.
Please follow the guidelines carefully. 

SUBMITTING A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORK? You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • an information sheet in PDF, Word Doc, or RTF format
  • a digital copy of the work — if you upload only the digital copy of the work, please make sure it contains all the required information listed in the guidelines below.

SENDING A HARD COPY OF THE WORK? Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write stokerchair@horror.org to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • Also, please submit an information sheet about the work below
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award


  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • If you cannot upload your work, then upload a DOC, RTF, or PDF document about your work
  • Be sure to give us as much of the following information as possible:

            > Appropriate Award Category

            > Release date or original air date

            > Production Company

            > Writer name

            > Writer or studio email

            > Author website address

国际频道_国际在线 - CRI:2021-6-15 · 国际在线国际新闻频道,24小时报道国际新闻时事,提供新闻热点解读、深度分析评论,让你看懂新闻!还有环球趣闻轶事、独家新闻图片等,让你在中国,看世界!

            > Title

石建勋:欧美忽悠中国“提速”太自私:2021-7-23 · 未来,中国经济的主要任务是调结构、转方式,实现经济稳定健康的、可持续的、没有水分的、惠及民生的有效增长,这就要牺牲一些增长速度,就需要承受一些经济结构调整和转变增长方式的痛苦。

            > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?

            > Is the work available for free online? Where?  

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email 极星vpn.   

_2023 Short Fiction - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submit哪款网络机顶盒最好用,2021质量靠谱的四大旗舰_科技_北方 ...:2021-2-6 · 随着科技的进步和网络的发展,越来越多的人选择用网络机顶盒来观看各种海量的视频资源,看电视,在时隔多年之后又成功的成为了我伊生活中非常重要的一部分,尤其是对喜爱追剧的狂热粉丝和生活中并没有太多活动的

腾讯云深圳金融专区重磅上线 建立金融级两地三中心灾备架构:2021-11-18 · 近日,腾讯云深圳金融专区正式上线,结合此前发布的上海金融专区,腾讯云已经建立起金融行业高合规两地三中心灾备架构。作为符合金融监管合规要求的高规格独立金融级数据中心,腾讯云金融专区不仅能够满足“一行三会”金融监管要求,帮助银行、保险、证券、基金、互联网金融等金融机构 ...

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023.

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.    

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Short Fiction Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.  

Before you offer your work or someone else's for consideration, please read the Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.

Please follow the guidelines carefully.

Word count limit: 7,499 (submit longer works in the appropriate other category)

SUBMITTING A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORK? You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • an information sheet in PDF, Word Doc, or RTF format
  • a digital copy of the work — if you upload only the digital copy of the work, please make sure it contains all the required information listed in the guidelines below.

SENDING A HARD COPY OF THE WORK? Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write stokerchair@horror.org to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • 环球网_全球生活新门户_环球时报旗下网站:2021-6-15 · 环球网是中国领先的国际资讯门户,拥有独立采编权的中央重点新闻网站。环球网秉承环球时报的国际视野,力求及时、客观、权威、独立地报道新闻,致力于应用前沿的互联网技术,为全球化时伋的中国互联网用户提供与国际生活相关的资讯服务、互动社区。
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award


  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • If you cannot upload your work, then upload a DOC, RTF, or PDF document about your work
  • Be sure to give us as much of the following information as possible:

            > Appropriate Award Category

            > Publication date

            > Publisher

            > Word count

            > Author Name

            > Author Email

            > Author website address

            > Book website address

            > Title

            > Synopsis

国际频道_国际在线 - CRI:2021-6-15 · 国际在线国际新闻频道,24小时报道国际新闻时事,提供新闻热点解读、深度分析评论,让你看懂新闻!还有环球趣闻轶事、独家新闻图片等,让你在中国,看世界!

            > Is the work available for free online? Where?   

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete.

For questions or concerns, please email stokerchair@horror.org.   

_2023 Short Nonfiction - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submitto _2023 Short Nonfiction - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration

We have two submission periods:  

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023.

We do this to save our jurors from having too big an avalanche of works at the end of the year, so please submit early.    

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Short Nonfiction Collection Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.    

Before you offer your work or someone else's for consideration, please read the Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.

Please follow the guidelines carefully.

Word count limit: between 1,000 and 40,000 words (submit longer works in the appropriate other category)

SUBMITTING A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORK? You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • an information sheet in PDF, Word Doc, or RTF format
  • 天津市首批建成12个“社银一体化”服务网点 实现社保业务 ...:2021-7-3 · 央广网天津7月3日消息(记者贾立梁)近日,天津市社保中心启动了“社银一体化”合作项目,依托金融机构网点布局优势,与服务银行共同打造 ...

SENDING A HARD COPY OF THE WORK? Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write stokerchair@horror.org to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • Also, please submit an information sheet about the work below
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award


  • 厄立特里亚,远离聚光灯的神秘国度 - huanqiu.com:2021-12-30 · 环球时事 有点美哦!NASA公布星系碰撞照片 俄外长:上合峰会将如期于7月22日至23日举办 俄推出反潜新战法保卫海军基地 美军濒海战斗舰又来南海 ...
  • If you cannot upload your work, then upload a DOC, RTF, or PDF document about your work
  • Be sure to give us as much of the following information as possible:

            > Appropriate Award Category

            > Publication date

            > Publisher

            > Word count

            > Author Name

            > Author Email

            > Author website address

            > Book website address

            > Title

            > Synopsis

            > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?

            > Is the work available for free online? Where?   

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email stokerchair@horror.org.   


_2023 Young Adult Novel - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration
Ends on
Submitto _2023 Young Adult Novel - Bram Stoker Award Jury Consideration

We have two submission periods: 

  1. Now through November 30, 2023 — For all works published between January 1, 2023 and November 30, 2023
  2. December 1 through December 31, 2023 — For all works published between December 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023.

贵州频道_国际在线 - CRI:国际在线贵州频道秉承“向世界报道贵州 让世界了解贵州”的工作理念,伍“新闻+创意+宣传+公益”为核心,多渠道、多方式、多语种扎扎实实传播贵州多民族文化,为贵州搭建国际性的媒体平台。

You are offering your own or a work you published or edited or had a hand in to be read by the Bram Stoker Award Young Adult Novel Jury. This does not guarantee that your work will make it to the ballot. This will not get the work on the Recommended Reading List — that is a separate process.    

Before you offer your work or someone else's for consideration, please read the Bram Stoker Award™ Etiquette Rules and the Eligibility Rules.

Please follow the guidelines carefully.

Word count minimum: 40,000 (submit shorter works in the appropriate other category)

SUBMITTING A DIGITAL COPY OF THE WORK? You may upload either or both of the following per work offered:

  • an information sheet in PDF, Word Doc, or RTF format
  • a digital copy of the work — if you upload only the digital copy of the work, please make sure it contains all the required information listed in the guidelines below.

SENDING A HARD COPY OF THE WORK? Please consider that we strongly prefer digital copies. You should send a hard copy only as a last resort if no digital copy exists.

  • For hard copy submissions, please write stokerchair@horror.org to get the designated mailing address (please note: the organization cannot guarantee delivery of the work)
  • Also, please submit an information sheet about the work below
  • Submit information about a work only if it was published in the current year and is eligible for a Bram Stoker Award


  • Upload files only in PDF (Adobe), DOC (Word), or RTF (rich text format)
  • If you cannot upload your work, then upload a DOC, RTF, or PDF document about your work
  • 周末中报速递:鹏博士中期净利超4亿 同比增逾四成(更新中 ...:2021-8-7 · 鹏博士中期净利超4亿 同比增逾四成 鹏博士(600804)8月7日晚间发布2021 年半年度报告,公司实现营业收入37.27亿元,同比增长10.97%;实现归属于上市 ...

            > Appropriate Award Category

            > Publication date

            > Publisher

            > Word count

            > Author Name

            > Author Email

            > Author website address

            > Book website address

            > Title

            > Synopsis

            > Are you mailing a physical copy to the jury?

            > Is the work available for free online? Where?   

HALT! Take your time. Make sure your recommendation is neatly formatted and complete. 

For questions or concerns, please email stokerchair@horror.org.   

Young Adult Blog Articles
Submitto Young Adult Blog Articles


In a major advance for our website and the positioning of our members’ work we have just launched a Young Adult Horror section on our website, at  http://www.horror.org/yahorror/
It’s a bit sparse at the moment but we will begin to populate it shortly. To launch, we are fortunate to have the input of acclaimed comic strip writer and HWA member, Ray Billingsley as we look to use YA horror to improve uptake of reading, and of literacy generally. 
All YA material that appears on our ‘Dark Whispers’ blog will be duplicated on this YA section, so that librarians, parents, teachers and young adult readers can find our YA material in one easy place. 
We will shortly be adding last year’s Bram Stoker Award® nominees for Young Adult Novel and the winners of the Award for this category in previous years. There will be a selective addition of ‘iconic’ and notable YA works from past years at some point also.
You can assist us to populate the YA section by doing the following:
·         If you have a blog to write about YA and YA horror you can submit by following the guidelines at the bottom of this announcement
·         If you have a New Release YA book don’t forget to use the New Release form: http://www.horror.org/private/new-release-form.htm
Remember the audience here is not fellow HWA members – it is librarians, parents, teachers and most of all Young Adult readers.
Submission Guidelines
Size limit: 1000 words for article, 200 words for bio
If you’d like to submit an article to the HWA blog, follow these simple guidelines. We reserve the right to reject any submission for any reason. 

Only members (of any level) may submit directly. Non-members must send a query first. Email queries to yaeditor@horror.org.

We accept two types of submissions: non-fiction articles and recommendations. Articles can be about anything related to the horror genre, the horror industry, horror writing, or the HWA. Keep your audience in mind. If in doubt about whether your topic is appropriate or not, you can query at yaeditor@horror.org. 

Word limit: 1000 words; 200 words for bio (total of 1200 words max). 

1. No profanity. 

2. No slander. 

3. Spellcheck and copyedit for punctuation and grammar. We will reject a sloppy article. 

4. No line indents. No tabs. Put a blank line between paragraphs. 

5. Indicate links by putting the URL in parentheses after the text you want linked. 

6. If you have images, please note that in your cover letter and we'll contact you about them. Images should be no smaller than 500px wide. JPG format only. We will crop it. Images must NOT be copyrighted by anyone other than you. 

7. HTML: If you know HTML and can appropriately format the article, please do, and submit it as a .txt file. 

8. You receive no payment for your article or recommendation. It will stay live on the site until you ask us to take it down, until we decide to remove it, or until the site becomes defunct. 

By submitting, you agree that the material submitted is your own work and that you have the right to let us publish it on the HWA website and blog. Send submissions to webmaster@horror.org.
Submit Blog Articles
Submitto Submit Blog Articles

  If you’d like to submit an article to the HWA blog, follow these simple guidelines. We reserve the right to reject any submission for any reason.

If you wish to submit to HWA's Poetry Blog, please email poetry@horror.org

Only members (of any level) may submit. (极星vpn)

We accept only non-fiction articles. Articles can be about anything related to the horror genre, the horror industry, horror writing, or the HWA. Keep your audience in mind. If in doubt about whether your topic is appropriate or not, you can query at webmaster@horror.org.

Word limit: 1000 words; plus 200 words for bio (total of 1200 words max). (serialized submissions are okay, but construct the break neatly instead of just chopping up a longer article.)

1. No profanity.

2. No slander.

3. Spellcheck and copyedit for punctuation and grammar. We will reject a sloppy article.

4. No line indents. No tabs. Put a blank line between paragraphs.

5. Indicate links by putting the URL in parentheses after the text you want linked. If you know HTML, please do code the link in using ahref tags and submit it as a .txt file.

6. If you have images, please attach them to this submission. Images should be 极星vpnthan 500px wide and no larger than 800px wide. JPG or PNG formats only. Images must be royalty free or owned by you.

7. HTML: If you know HTML and can appropriately format the article, please do, and submit it as a .txt file.

8. You receive no payment for your article. It will stay live on the site until you ask us to take it down, until we decide to remove it, or until the site becomes defunct.

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        10. If this work is a reprint, please note in the form where it was previously published. 

!*! By submitting, you agree that the material submitted is your own work and that you have the right to let us publish it on the HWA website and blog. 

We reserve the right to reject any submission without providing a reason for doing so. We do not give comments or notes on rejected submissions. 

Thank you for your interest in the Horror Writers Association's blog!

Horror Writers Association